CUZCO SCHOOL Virgin of Bethlehem


L'École de Cuzco (escuela cusqueña) est un mouvement artistique catholique qui s'est développée dans le vice-royaume du Pérou au cours des XVIe et XVIIIe siècles, et notamment à Cuzco (ancienne capitale de l'Empire inca), mais également dans d'autres villes des Andes, en Bolivie et en Équateur.

The Cuzco School (Escuela Cuzqueña) was a Roman Catholic artistic tradition based in Cusco, Peru (the former capital of the Inca Empire) during the Colonial period, in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. It was not limited to Cuzco only, but spread to other cities in the Andes, as well as to present day Ecuador and Bolivia.

Harrison FISHER Afternoon Tea 1925


Harrison Fisher (1875/77- 1934) est un illustrateur américain.

Harrison Fisher (1875/77- 1934) was an American illustrator.

Pablo PICASSO Sadayakko 1901


Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) est un peintre, dessinateur et sculpteur espagnol ayant passé l'essentiel de sa vie en France. Artiste utilisant tous les supports pour son travail, il est considéré comme le fondateur du cubisme avec Georges Braque et un compagnon d'art du surréalisme. Il est l'un des plus importants artistes du XXe siècle, tant par ses apports techniques et formels que par ses prises de positions politiques. Il a produit près de 50 000 œuvres dont 1 885 tableaux, 1 228 sculptures, 2 880 céramiques, 7 089 dessins, 342 tapisseries, 150 carnets de croquis et 30 000 estampes (gravures, lithographies, etc.).

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright who spent most of his adult life in France. Regarded as one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907), and Guernica (1937), a portrayal of the bombing of Guernica by the German and Italian airforces at the behest of the Spanish nationalist government during the Spanish Civil War.

Gustav KLIMT Allegory of Love


Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) est un peintre symboliste autrichien, et l'un des membres les plus en vue du mouvement Art nouveau et de la Sécession de Vienne. Peintre de compositions à personnages, sujets allégoriques, figures, nus, portraits, paysages, dessinateur, décorateur, peintre de cartons de tapisseries, cartons de mosaïques, céramiste, lithographe.

Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) was an Austrian symbolist painter and one of the most prominent members of the Vienna Secession movement. Klimt is noted for his paintings, murals, sketches, and other objets d'art. 

Nikolai ASTRUP Spring Mood by Old Cotter’s Farm


Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928) est un des peintres norvégiens les plus réputés du début du XXe siècle. Astrup faisait partie du mouvement néoromantique. Plusieurs de ses peintures sont considérées comme étant d'influences naïves et expressionnistes. Ses œuvres, caractérisées par des couleurs vives et claires, représentent les scènes et les paysages des environs de Jølster où il vivait. De son vivant, l'artiste vendait ses œuvres comme moyen de subsistance.

Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928) was a Norwegian painter.

Walter CRANE


Walter Crane (1845-1915) est un artiste majeur anglais. Il fut également théoricien, écrivain, et socialiste convaincu. C'est l'un des principaux acteurs du mouvement artistique des Arts & Crafts. D'abord connu comme illustrateur, puis fervent promoteur des arts décoratifs, il a exercé son art dans de nombreux domaines: l'illustration, la peinture, la céramique, le papier peint, la tapisserie, etc.

Walter Crane (1845-1915) was an English artist and book illustrator. He is considered to be the most influential, and among the most prolific, children’s book creator of his generation and, along with Randolph Caldecott and Kate Greenaway, one of the strongest contributors to the child's nursery motif that the genre of English children's illustrated literature would exhibit in its developmental stages in the latter 19th century.

Mary Lizzie MACOMBER Faith, Hope and Love c.1900


Mary Lizzie Macomber (1861-1916) est une artiste américaine. 

Mary Lizzie Macomber (1861-1916) was an American artist who painted in the Pre-Raphaelite style. She exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893, and her paintings are held in the Smithsonian and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Charles Cromwell INGHAM The Flower Girl 1846


Charles Cromwell Ingham (1796/97-1863) est un peintre irlandais.

Charles Cromwell Ingham (1796/97-1863) was an Irish portrait painter and later a founder of the New York National Academy of Design during the 19th century.

Edith CORBET A London Garden 1911


Edith Corbet (1846-1920) was a Victorian landscape painter, having close associations with the Macchiaioli group (also known as the Tuscans or Etruscans), who, in a break with tradition, painted outdoors in order to capture natural light effects and favoured a panoramic format for their paintings.

Friedrich Wilhelm SCHADOW Fanny Ebers 1826-27


Wilhelm von Schadow ou Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow (1789-1862) est un peintre allemand de l'ère romantique. Il est le deuxième fils de Johann Gottfried Schadow.

Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow (1789-1862) was a German Romantic painter.

Gerard DAVID Archangel Gabriel - The Virgin Annunciate c.1510


Né Gheeraedt, ou Geerart Janszoon, à Oudewater vers 1450, Gérard David semble avoir pris le prénom de son père David comme patronyme peu après son inscription à la guilde des imagiers et selliers de Bruges en 1484. Peintre, dessinateur et probablement miniaturiste classifié parmi les primitifs flamands, il est mort à Bruges le 13 août 1523.

Gerard David (c.1450-1523) was an Early Netherlandish painter and manuscript illuminator known for his brilliant use of color. Only a bare outline of his life survives, although some facts are known. He may have been the "Meester gheraet van brugghe" who became a master of the Antwerp guild in 1515. He was very successful in his lifetime and probably ran two workshops, in Antwerp and Bruges. His reputation diminished in the 17th century until he was rediscovered in the 19th century.

Maestro delle Storie del Pane - Husband and Wife of the Gozzadini Family c.1495


This portrait and its pendant represent a husband and wife of the Gozzadini family of Bologna; the family's coat of arms appears prominently in both paintings. The inscribed architectural frieze in the background, which runs across both panels, attests to the commemorative function of the portraits: Probably made to celebrate a betrothal or marriage, the portraits contain numerous allusions to love and matrimony, such as the spray of flowers, known as pinks, held by the male sitter, and the fruit (perhaps a quince) held by his wife. The pelican and phoenix at lower left of the male portrait refer respectively to charity and resurrection - Christian virtues here associated with the sacrament of marriage. In the lower right corner of the female portrait are two rabbits and a girl confronting a unicorn, the former connoting fecundity and the latter chastity.

Pieter BRUEGHEL THE ELDER Massacre of the Innocents 1565-67


Pieter Brueghel ou Bruegel dit l'Ancien (1525-1569) est un peintre et graveur brabançon. Avec Jan van Eyck, Jérôme Bosch et Pierre Paul Rubens, il est considéré comme l'une des quatre grandes figures de l'École flamande, et l'une des principales de l'École d'Anvers.

Pieter Bruegel (also Brueghel) the Elder (1525-1569) was the most significant artist of Dutch and Flemish Renaissance painting, a painter and printmaker from Brabant, known for his landscapes and peasant scenes (so called genre painting); he was a pioneer in both types of subject.

Pieter BRUEGHEL THE YOUNGER The Tax-collector's Office c.1615


Pieter Brueghel le Jeune dit aussi Brueghel d'Enfer ou encore Pieter Brueghel (1564-1638) est un peintre brabançon de la Renaissance. Fils de Pieter Brueghel l'Ancien et frère de Jan Brueghel l'Ancien, il était surnommé « Brueghel d’Enfer » à cause d’un de ses thèmes favoris : les incendies. 

Pieter Brueghel the Younger or Pieter Bruegel the Younger (1564-1638) was a Flemish painter, known for numerous copies after his father Pieter Bruegel the Elder's work as well as his original compositions. The large output of his studio, which produced for the local and export market, contributed to the international spread of his father's imagery.

Charles Frederick LOWCOCK Evensong 1895


Charles Frederick Lowcock (1878-1922) est un peintre britannique.

Charles Frederick Lowcock (1878-1922) was a British painter.

Leonardo DA VINCI (?) Isleworth Mona Lisa


The Isleworth Mona Lisa is a painting of the same subject as Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. The painting is claimed by some to be partly an original work of Leonardo dating from the early 16th century.

La Mona Lisa d’Isleworth ou Mona Lisa antérieure , est un tableau attribué à Léonard de Vinci, réalisé au XVe ou au xvie siècle, qui représente un buste de femme ayant une très forte ressemblance avec la célèbre Joconde exposée au musée du Louvre à Paris. Ce tableau est souvent présenté comme une Mona Lisa antérieure.

Philip Hermogenes CALDERON Summer Berries 1883


Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898) est un peintre britannique né en France.

Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898) was an English painter of French birth (mother) and Spanish (father) ancestry who initially worked in the Pre-Raphaelite style before moving towards historical genre. He was Keeper of the Royal Academy in London.